The Week in Accessories

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Sunglasses: TopShop

Rings: Topshop

Shoes: Adidas at Urban Outfitters

In the past week, I've jumped on at least 3 bandwagons. I've started wearing rings, round (ish) sunglasses and bought a pair of Adidas' striped sliders. I'm pretty sure the latter is now owned by at least 50% of the UK, whilst the other 50% can't stand them. They were described by my flatmate as the 'hipster version of Crocs', and, while I can totally see the logic behind that, I don't care, because they're great. Like Crocs, I had it on good authority that they'd be the comfiest things I'd ever wear. This is not true. Do not listen to the lies. In seven days, I've used up an entire box of plasters and still my feet won't stop bleeding...but it's fine...true love always hurts the most.

Rings have never really been my thing, mainly because they're always too big for child-size hands. But maybe TopShop ring sizes have gotten smaller - or my hands have somehow gotten bigger - and now I'm obsessed. They're so pretty! And relatively cheap. They are quite clunky, and perhaps aren't the most practical accessories for a job that revolves entirely around typing, but definitely worth the hassle.

So I'm gonna limp my way through the rest of the week, weighed down by new ring obsession...but at least I won't be squinting! These sunglasses are literally the only pair I've ever owned that even vaguely work with my bizarre shaped head - most styles accentuate just how spherical my face truly is. Plus, the colour makes a nice contrast to what will (most likely) be an all-black outfit.

Hannah xx

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